Michael Clark, Director of Operations, Al Laith

Having risen up the ranks at Al Laith over more than a decade at the company, Michael Clark has become a stalwart of the UAE’s event industry…

It’s often said that the events industry is one that chooses you, rather than you choosing it – and this is certainly something that rings true when it comes to Al Laith’s Director of Operations, Michael Clark. Born in Cairo, brought up in Dubai and educated in the UK and Australia, Clark is the poster boy for the benefits of a truly international outlook on life and, as he explains in this interview, he was bitten by the events bug right from the start.

With Al Laith turning 30 next year and Clark having been with the company for 14 of those years, the Egyptian-Australian has become part of the furniture and a fixture of Dubai’s events industry community.

Here, the Al Laith Director of Operations sits down with TPiMEA and looks back on his route to his current position at the company, discussing how the industry has changed since he started out – not least with the greater push for better health, wellbeing and sustainability that is such a focus for Al Laith as a company and Clark as an individual.

Photos: Al Laith
